Digital Health & Wellbeing TechMeeting

BrachyDOSE attended Digital Health & Wellbeing TechMeeting at Future4care in Paris. The purpose of these techmeetings events are for international startups to connect to corporate groups based in Paris region.

We've listened to keynotes by Agnes de Leersnyder - CEO at Future4care and Hervé Minoux - head of AI for Large Molecule Research. An interesting panel discussion about health data and startups was held with Nina Rognon, Stephane Tholander, and Shana Hudes.

Also, 9 international startups had an opportunity to pitch at the event.

At the end, we've also had B2B meetings and time for networking.

A truly successful pitch from the BrachyDOSE’s CEO Neringa Šeperienė in Pitch Battle at Startup Fair. Pulse 2024. Together with 40 other startups, BrachyDOSE was competing in the pitch battle this Thursday for the grand prize – €5.6M investment opportunity from the Lithuanian Business Angel Network LitBAN, Baltic Sandbox Ventures, and Coinvest Capital.

A magnificent Neringa’s performance at the semi-finals guaranteed a place in the final battle on the main stage where everyone gathered to watch 3 min. pitches of 11 best startups. It was a tough competition between the best of the best entrepreneurs in science, medtech, fintech, and technology fields.

Neringa’s convincing presentation and great answers to the investors’ questions charmed the jury and materialized into the main prize – the investment opportunity and additional prize for Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) access to KGAP+ (Keihanna Global Acceleration Program Plus) in Japan!

This investment will boost BrachyDOSE’s technological development so that our product could reach hospitals as soon as possible and help cancer patients.

Startup Fair. Pulse is the largest startup event in Lithuania, organized by Startup Lithuania and Innovation Agency Lithuania. It attracts more than 2000 participants and 430 investors from 68 different countries every year. The event is also gives networking opportunity for startups and investors.

Viktorija Trimbel, Neringa Šeperienė, Roberta Rudokienė, Andrius Milinavičius. Startup Fair.
Viktorija Trimbel, Neringa Šeperienė, Roberta Rudokienė, Andrius Milinavičius. Startup Fair.

Viktorija Trimbel, Neringa Šeperienė, Roberta Rudokienė and Andrius Milinavičius at Startup Fair. Pulse 2024. Photo by Innovation Agency, Startup Lithuania, Startup Fair organizers

The winner BrachyDOSE takes it all!

Brachydose medical data pilot project

This summer BrachyDOSE was busy working on the pilot project analyzing cancer patients' data.

We analyzed 10 years secondary medical data of Lithuanian cancer patients. Data included how many external beam and brachyteraphy procedures were performed in Lithuania. Also, how much does it cost for a patient and Lithuanian government to treat side effects that were caused during the radiation treatment.

This analysis allowed us to better understand the costs associated with cancer patients in the Lithuanian health system and helped to train one of our algorithms to ensure the effectiveness of therapeutic procedures.

brachydose team
brachydose team

Thanks to Inga Kanapeckienė and Viktorija Butrimaitė from EIT Health RIS Hub Lithuania, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU), the State Data Agency (Valstybės duomenų agentūra & Dr Julius Juodakis), the Innovation Agency and Dominykas Milašius from Baltic Sandbox Ventures.

Read more at Lithuanian press:

brachydose team
brachydose team

We are happy to share that BrachyDOSE received investments from the Baltic Sandbox Ventures.

Baltic Sandbox Ventures – is an early-stage VC and Business Development Lab focused on Baltic founders building Deep Tech and Life Science solutions.

With their support BrachyDOSE will grow faster and will be able to help cancer patients around the world.

BrachyDOSE is a team of highly experienced engineers that started working together in research projects in 2018. Since then, BrachyDOSE successfully participated in various acceleration programmes for startups and completed a number of med-tech projects. BrachyDOSE is a spin off and was established as a separate startup in January 2024.

We are open for collaboration with variety of stakeholders in cancer treatment, cancer patients’ support, research and development in radiotherapy.

Pre-seed investment from the Baltic Sandbox Ventures

BrachyDOSE new office

We are happy to announce that BrachyDOSE has a new office!

We are now located in one of Tech-Park Kaunas premises, which provides offices for more than 100 companies operating in IT, engineering, med-tech, social innovation, and future energy. Tech-Park Kaunas provides business incubation services, brings together startups and innovative companies.

You can find us at K. Baršausko g. 59-B507, Kaunas.

Ready2Scale Acceleration Program

We made it! BrachyDOSE has been selected to join the Ready2Scale Acceleration Program, as one of just 15 companies chosen from over 300 applicants!
Over the next 6 months, we’ll be embarking on a journey with 14 other cutting-edge Digital and Deep tech startups to scale-up our company and reach new heights!

We will have access to:

· Financial support of 60k

· 100+ international experts and mentors

· Comprehensive Investor Readiness Training

· Market Discovery Missions

· And Much More!

We're looking forward to getting started and take BrachyDOSE to the next level! Learn more about the programme here:
Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey!

ready 2 scale, brachydose
ready 2 scale, brachydose
EIC Summit 2024, brachydose
EIC Summit 2024, brachydose

EIC Summit 2024

Three interesting days at EIC Summit 2024 just passed so fast. BrachyDOSE was pitched at deep tech startups session and our CEO Neringa Šeperienė was sharing essential insights at panel session "Scaling European Deeptech Startups". Brussels was exceptional welcoming to medtech innovations.

EIT Health Grand Final

BrachyDOSE was presented at Grand Final 2023 of EIT Health InnoStars in Milan, Italy. The selected startups have pitched for 3 min and were competing for valuable prizes. As well it was a great event for networking, meeting investors, knowing new startups and EIT Health community.

EIT Health Grand Final, brachydose
EIT Health Grand Final, brachydose

We are joining X2.0 programme

Happy to announce that BrachyDOSE is accepted to X2.0 BioTech and HealthTech batch !
The programme is organised and mnaged by ICT Hub, Zabala Innovation Europe and F6S.

Programme Benefits:
- Corporate Matchmaking and procurement
- Private Fundraising assistance
- Custom EU funding and public procurement ecosystem and overview
- Talent Matchmaking & Job promotion
- Promotion & Visibility

X2.0, brachydose, healthtech
X2.0, brachydose, healthtech

BrachyDOSE takes part at Baltic Sandbox Ventures incubator

Baltic Sandbox Ventures incubation program is a 7-week training activity for early-stage startups. The program facilitates software, hardware, life sciences-focused startups. Baltic Sandbox Ventures itself was created from the Baltic Sandbox accelerator, which has been operating in Europe since 2018.

BrachyDOSE is proud to be selected for cohort of 2023.

Click on the link to find out more information about the incubator, accelerator and other Baltic Sandbox Ventures activities.

BrachyDOSE takes part at Baltic Sandbox Ventures incubator
BrachyDOSE takes part at Baltic Sandbox Ventures incubator

BrachyDOSE is on training for life science startups

BrachyDOSE is on entrepreneurship and business creation training for life science startups. Happy to be selected for the programme. Let's meet everyone at Demo Day Pitch Event on July 21st in Vilnius.

Programme is organised by 2AM Health and Innovation Agency of Lithuania. To know more what you can learn, see the link.

BrachyDOSE is on training for life science startups
BrachyDOSE is on training for life science startups

CEO Talk at EuroQuity

Few weeks ago, our CEO Neringa Šeperienė was one of the few CEOs selected to participate in the InvestEU pitch coordinated by EuroQuity - Bpifrance that featured 5 high-potential startups led by women in the sectors of healthtech.

She did an interview with the EuroQuity-Bpifrance for their EuroQuityStories series in which I was able to share BrachyDOSE mission.

Take a look at QnA session.

Q: What drove you to create your company and what are your main goals?

A: The main driver which ignited us to create our own company was the knowledge that medical technologies in cancer treatment are reaching patients very slowly when they are made by big corporates. Our team decided that we could make a bigger impact and implement our solution to clinical use much faster if we developed it at SME/startup and later collaborate with well-developed big medtech companies. Mainly, it was an idea and willingness to help cancer patients to have safer radiotherapy treatments. Our main goal is to do clinical trials to prove that the BrachyDOSE solution is effective in clinical conditions and enter the EU market with a CE marked product.

Q: Which goals have you achieved?

A: We already have partnerships with Lithuanian, Germany and Estonian hospitals to develop the solution. We were funded by EIT Health InnoStars Awards and Horizon 2020 programmes. Also, we had pre-clinical testing results leading us to clinical trial.

Q: How has EuroQuity initiatives helped you in achieving them?

A: EuroQuity helped us to extend our network and visibility of the solution in Central Europe area. We also gained the contacts with Medicen Paris Region, which is our first step in getting to know the French market.

Q: Would you recommend EuroQuity to other companies? If so, Why?

A: We would recommend EuroQuity for SMEs and startups which seeks to expand their business and clinical partners network in EU and get vide visibility among European investors.

Read more success stories in EuroQuiry blog.

brachydose CEO, neringa seperiene
brachydose CEO, neringa seperiene

BrachyDOSE is among TOP 10 solutions at SCFG Global Super Connect

Happy to share that BrachyDOSE is among TOP 10 solutions at SCFG Global Super Connecto for Good 2022 competition. Top 100 Innovations Showcase will be at 12th of October 10:00 CET online.

The Super Connect for Good Competition is a Global Tech for Good initiative to discover, connect and support tech startups and scale-ups that bring positive social change and impact to enhance people’s lives through technology.

Empact Ventures and Hays have been working together since 2018. The focus of our work has been to connect tech startups and scale-ups together with corporates, SMEs, funders and the public sector to explore collaborations. We’ve co-designed 16 physical events in 9 cities and towns across the UK and 3 major virtual events.

SCFG Global Super Connect, brachydose
SCFG Global Super Connect, brachydose

Horizon Results Booster initiative is supporting BrachyDOSE

We are happy to share that BrachyDOSE project dissemination and exploitation, and business plan tailoring activities are supported by Horizon Results Booster. The Horizon Results Booster, RTD-DISSEMINATION-EXPLOITATION-BOOSTER. BrachyDOSE 775025 - PDESC.

Horizon Results Booster (HRB) is an initiative of the European Commission, which aims to bring a continual stream of innovation to the market and maximise the impact of public funded research withing the EU.

It supports projects eager to go beyond their Dissemination and Exploitation (D&E) obligations - steering research towards strong societal impact and concretising the value of Research and Innovation (R&I) activity for societal challenges.

Horizon Results Booster, brachydose
Horizon Results Booster, brachydose

Interview with the CEO

Real-time data in cancer treatment. How we see the future

BrachyDOSE helps to prevent the most common treatment errors occurring in radiotherapy procedures by collecting 10X more data than existing solutions in practice. This enhanced data support doctors to make more informed decisions on further cancer patient treatments. The lack of real-time radiation dose data measured in patients creates treatment uncertainties. As a result, it may also increase the risk of wounding the patient, treatment expenses as well as radiologists’ time and resources.

A Lithuanian startup is collecting real-time data during radiotherapy to inform doctors and support them in making better treatment decisions. They see a future, where data will enable more accurate cancer treatments, with this data collection starting in the patients’ homes.

An interview with BrachyDOSE’s co-founder and CEO, Neringa Šeperienė helps us learn more about how they are transforming the standard of care with the power of data and analytics.

How do you apply data analytics in your solution?

We measure the radiation dose applied to a patient during the treatment and collect data from the radiotherapy treatment plan. We use descriptive and predictive analytics to show measured values and make optimal radiation doses more accurate.

brachydose CEO, Neringa Seperiene
brachydose CEO, Neringa Seperiene

How do you prevent up to 100% errors in radiotherapy?

We measure radiation dose values in vivo and relay them to medical physicists and oncologists to see what happened during the procedure and to compare those values to the planned treatment road. This way medical professionals may prevent over and under irradiation.

Moreover, we collect data from the treated organs (i.e. bladder) which can tell if there are likely to be any complications after the treatment. This information helps oncologists to adjust the treatment accordingly and minimise the patients’ pain.

Where do you see its wider applications?

While this version is made for high dose rate brachytherapy we plan to scale it to external radiotherapy applications. Also, the solution could be applicable in complex clinical trials where adverse radiotherapy treatment effects are studied.

BrachyDOSE is a hardware solution, operating with a data management system. We see the need for such radiation dose measurement devices for dosimetry laboratories, research institutes and universities.

How do you think data and analytics could improve cancer care in the future?

Data broadens the perspectives of cancer treatments. It will make cancer treatment more accurate and effective. These days we can measure and collect a significant amount of personal cancer patient data. We just need better tools to analyse it faster and the know-how to apply it for everyday operations. Our vision is that data measured by patients at home will be as commonplace as data collected in healthcare institutions by medical professionals.

The health data that pharmaceuticals and biotech companies are collecting is growing exponentially. What changes will the increased amount of data bring?

It brings a few challenges. First of all the challenge of personal data safety and safe transfer between healthcare institutions, countries, and continents. Secondly, the huge amount of data sets that need to be analysed efficiently and used in everyday practice. Finally, if we don’t use this collected data efficiently, we lose the opportunity to increase the quality of healthcare systems.

The key areas I see as crucial are, increased security measures regarding digital solutions, increased spending on data protection, and the opportunity for startups to create new data analysis tools.

The content is created by Sara Korchmaros from DataCures

Join us on Roche accelerator Demo Day on April 6th

The HealthCareLab Demo Day is a culmination of a 3-months long acceleration program for HealthTech startups from the CEE and Southern Europe regions. It will bring together key innovation ecosystem players, healthcare stakeholders, inspiring speakers and some of the most promising companies from this region.

Please register via: LINK

Agenda (PM, CET):
5:00 - 5:15 - Opening - Welcome from the Main partners
5:15 - 5:45 - Keynote speech on the Future of Innovation in Healthcare, Padraic Ward, Head of Roche Pharma international
5:45 - 7:15 - Startup Pitching and Q&A / Public voting
7:15 - 8:00 - Panel discussion on the Future of Personalized Healthcare
8:00 - Announcement of HealthCare Lab 2022 awards

BRACHYDOSE will pitch 3rd.

The program is powered by Roche and EIT Health and run by CIVITTA.

Roche accelerator Demo Day, brachydose
Roche accelerator Demo Day, brachydose

BrachyDOSE was selected for Roche programme

We are excited to share that BrachyDOSE was selected to acceleration programme managed by Roche, EIT Health and run by Civitta. An exciting acceleration journey lies ahead of selected teams, including workshops, business coaching, networking with industry experts and tailored expert mentoring covering various topics from business validation to sales and regulation.

The selected teams work on promising solutions that address the 3 challenges HealthCareLab 2022 is focusing on!

Healthcare Data Management:

Screening & Early Diagnostics:
Kelvin Health
Elm Genomics

Digital Therapeutics & Disease Management:
Vagustim Bioelectronics
Synovius - Let your joints play again

More about the programme

brachydose, roche
brachydose, roche

BrachyDOSE was selected to New Nordic Leads Startup Investment Readiness programme

BrachyDOSE was lucky to be selected to the New Nordic Leads Startup Investment Readiness program organized by Estonia and Finland business angels network. The hands-on training and personal mentoring by business angels will lead to a cross border network grow and pipline for the next EstBAN or FiBAN syndicate.

Top teams from the program get to pitch at the EstBAN or FiBAN pitch event to a panel of potential lead investors!

New Nordic Leads, brachydose
New Nordic Leads, brachydose

Scale-up Champions Investment Readiness Programme

We are proud to be selected for Scale-up Champions Investment Readiness Programme and getting introduction to Denmark medtech market. The networking, growing and preparation for markets programme will take 3 to 6 months.

Scale-up Champions is an initiative that aims to scale-up innovative businesses across the EU and help startups to achieve market success.

Following the support by European Commission, Scale-up Champions aims to connect different European deep-tech startup ecosystems and support cross-border activities to standardize the growth routes in Europe.

The program coordinators have chosen 29 startups to engage into a set of training activities and networking events to increase the fundraising capacity. As it comes to the deep tech community, more than 60 VCs funds and Business Angels have joined the Scale-up Champions Program and will participate at the Demo Days.

More about the programme

Scale-up Champions
Scale-up Champions

Meet BrachyDOSE at Science Is Wonderful online exhibition

Science is Wonderful is the event to bring science and technology closer to society. This year, all events will be organized online. The online activity will introduce visitors to the latest cutting-edge research projects taking place across Europe and around the world. According to the European Commission, the exhibition will focus on 40 research projects funded by the European Union that affect the lives of citizens. BrachyDOSE was chosen as of them. These projects address the development of solutions to the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath, as well as the priorities that are at the core of both European and Global recovery efforts – such as the European Green Deal.

The material of the exhibition is prepared for school-age children, scientists, enthusiasts, researchers, business stakeholders and the public interest. Particpants can discover the microbes that make our food tastier, take an underwater voyage to experience our cultural heritage, uncover a method to turn waste into wonderful materials and artworks - and many more scientific marvels that have a direct impact on our everyday lives. The flagship event may even inspire visitors – young and old alike – to embark on an exciting, fulfilling career in science!

We invite you to meet BrachyDOSE in virtual boot 2020-09-22 - 2020-09-24. Exhibition is open from 9:00 to 17:00.

More information and links to the event can be found here: Science is Wonderful!

Science Is Wonderful
Science Is Wonderful

BrachyDOSE is among 3 best Lithuanian solutions for healthcare

We had a great honor to participate in the national competition "Naujasis Knygnešys" dedicated to innovative solutions in 8 topics. We are very proud to be selected among the 3 best Lithuanian solutions in the "Healthcare and Wellness" section. The initiative "Naujasis Knygnešys" is more than a competition. It's the encouragement for startups teams to move forward.

The competition is organized and supported by the Communications Regulatory Authority, Information Society Development Committee and World Summit Awards.

More about the competition

brachydose, naujasis knygnešys
brachydose, naujasis knygnešys

BrachyDOSE is selected for cLAB Ventures acceleration programme

We are happy to share that BrachyDOSE is a part of mentorship programme dedicated for startups focused on oncology solution. It is going to be extremely productive 12 weeks with cLAB Ventures experts and mentors.

cLAB aims to support innovators and startups who can challenge the status quo in the field of cancer diagnostics and treatment. The programme is sponsored by Life Science Factory.

More about the programme and cLAB Ventures

cLAB Ventures, brachydose
cLAB Ventures, brachydose

BrachyDOSE takes place at the USA accelerator organised by MITA

We are happy to announce that BrachyDOSE was selected among 13 innovative companies to participate at the USA accelerator organised by Agency of Science, Innovation and Technology of Lithuania. At the first stage of programme the online accelerator will be lead by MassGlobal Partners team having huge experience in training startups. The most promising companies will travel to Boston to meet future partners, investors and get to know the startups ecosystem.

mita, brachydose, acceleration in US
mita, brachydose, acceleration in US

BrachyDOSE - the best Health Care start-up of 2019

We are excited to share that BrachyDOSE was announced as the best Lithuanian Health Care startup of 2019.

"BrachyDOSE is a Lithuanian start-up which had a spectacular year. It was recognized as one of the most promising European start-ups in healthcare innovation and received InnoStars Award powered by EIT Health. A team of experienced engineers developed a product that provides more effective and personalised cancer treatment. BrachyDOSE enables to measure radiation dose in real time at the needed organ and surroundings of tumour. It helps oncologists to provide personalised and more accurate treatment. Patients may recover faster and leave the hospital for further treatment at home. This also helps to reduce treatment expenses. They have a product prototype and are currently testing its features at The National Cancer Institute with the big hopes for 2020 to prove successful prototype testing at clinical environment and to secure finances for further development."

by Life Science Baltics

brachydose, health care start-up
brachydose, health care start-up

BrachyDOSE is proud to be a part of EIT Health InnoStars Award family

BrachyDOSE is proud to be a part of EIT Health InnoStars Award family

A number of emerging Europe’s healthcare start-ups have been recognised at the Health InnoStars Awards, organised by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).

The recognition places the start-ups – two each from Poland, Hungary and Latvia, and one each from the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Romania – at the forefront of European healthcare innovation.

“There is an impressive talent pool in this part of Europe, that has skills and knowledge to create and develop healthcare innovations,” said Monika Toth, EIT Health InnoStars programme manager.

Amongst the winners was BrachyDOSE, a Lithuanian team of experienced engineers and scientists offering a cancer treatment quality control tool that provides more effective and personalised treatment, while Femyo is a Romanian company created to cut the at-birth and infant mortality rate in Europe by half. The company seeks to achieve this by building the first digital health management organisation in Europe, to ensure that all subscribers give the best start in life to their children.

InoCURE, a bio-nanotechnology company from the Czech Republic, delivers solutions for life science and the pharmaceutical industry. Its product, DifMATRIX, is the first active 3D cell culture membrane that enables faster, reliable and ethical preclinical testing.

Hungary’s InSimu Patient is a medical case study educational app that provides learners with simulated patients, while Sineko, another Hungarian creation, is a platform that improves the efficiency and quality of medical documentation.

UVera is a Polish start-up which employs innovation and an interdisciplinary approach to provide skin protection against the whole spectrum of UV sun radiation, and Vigo, a Latvian start-up, develops a prescription rehabilitation guide that uses artificial intelligence to help people recover faster and more efficiently from a stroke by providing therapeutic guidance, practical assistance and tools based on cognitive behavioural therapy, in a smartphone interface.

“There are excellent science and talented teams being produced in Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean countries and Portugal,” said Nuno Viegas, business creation manager at EIT Health InnoStars. “InnoStars Awards provides start-ups from these countries with funds to further validate their health solutions, education on how to create a business plan and a chance to talk with investors and connect with expert mentors in other European regions that can share their network and experience.”

Source: Emerging Europe

EIT Health InnoStars Award, brachydose
EIT Health InnoStars Award, brachydose

BrachyDOSE is nominated for the main prize at LSMU conference Health for all pitch session

BrachyDOSE is proud to announce that pitch of the product was nominated as the 1st place winner at Pitch competition organized by Lithuanian Health Science University.

Health for all, brachydose
Health for all, brachydose

BrachyDOSE wins Kaunas Accelerator 2018

BrachyDOSE team has successfully finished the first Kaunas Accelerator program. Eight weeks of intense learning, networking and discussing the business cases summed up in winning the 1st place in Demo Day. The event Kauno startuoliai 2018 was organized by Kaunas IN, Civitta, Startup Division, Startup Wise Guyes, Talent Garden.

brachydose, Karolina Vaičiūnaitė, Rolandas Žakelis, Dainius Bernatavičius, Neringa Šeperienė
brachydose, Karolina Vaičiūnaitė, Rolandas Žakelis, Dainius Bernatavičius, Neringa Šeperienė

BrachyDOSE is the 2nd place winner at the innovation competition

BrachyDOSE - cancer treatment quality control tool is the 2nd place winner at the most innovative products competition of 2018. The competition was organized by Kauno mokslo ir technologijų parkas (Kaunas Science and Technology Park) in Kaunas, Lithuania.


The project is partly supported by the European Commission programme Horizon 2020

Project: Developing a feasibility study for the future commercialization of BranchyDOSE – an innovative accurate and simple brachytherapy measurements tool.

Topic: Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs.

european commission
european commission
MB "Šeši partneriai" wins the product prototype commercialisation competition

MB "Šeši partneriai" has won the product prototype commercialization competition organized by MITA (Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology).

The prototype commercialization analysis was carried out by Deloitte Lithuania and ANTEJA ECG. It was based on CANVAS methodology and was fulfilled with available information (primary and secondary sources) analysis, interviews and discussion sessions. Successful implementation of innovative business idea and introduction to the market was introduced.
