Awards and Recognition

Startup Fair. Pulse 2024 special prize

Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) access to KGAP+ in Japan

Startup Fair. Pulse 2024 main prize

Investment opportunity from the Lithuanian Business Angel Network LitBAN, Baltic Sandbox Ventures, and Coinvest Capital

Among Top 10 in SCFG Super Connector programme Health Tech section

Pitch online event innovation showcase

Among Top 5 deep tech startups

Invest EU and EuroQuity startups pitch event


Financial support of the Baltic Sandbox Incubation programme


Pre-seed investment from the Baltic Sandbox Ventures

#1 at Demo Day

Kaunas Start-ups Acceleration programme

#1 at Pitch competition

Health for all. Projects and startups pitch session organised by Lithuania Health Science University

#2 at the most promising products competition

Most innovative products topic, Tech-Park Kaunas startups awards event

#2 at Pitch competition

Falling Walls Lab conference. DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service

The best Lithuanian Healthcare startup of 2019

Life Sciences Baltics, Versli Lietuva - Innovation Agency

Among best 7 projects BSR Health Innovation Award. BSR HIA 2020 conference

WITENO GmbH Wissenschafts, Technologiepark Nord°Ost°, BioTechnikum Greifswald and Technology Center Vorpommern, Germany

Top 3 best solutions, Naujasis Knygnešys 2020 competition

Organized by Information society development committee, The Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania

Among Top 10 startups and Public Award - best Pitch

Scale-up Champions conference Demo Day

Practica Capital special prize

Life Sciences Baltics conference, Masterclasses Pitch Battle. Organized by Versli Lietuva - Innovation Agency